September Marketing Tasks

Hi Marketing team!  I took a few minutes to go through the task list on the wiki this weekend at, and there's definitely a lot going on, and I was hoping to recap some of the activities, and ask if anyone wanted to help with some of the below tasks.

Here are some updates on a number of activities going on:

GNOME Store:

• Daniel on the GNOME Art team created a mockup for how the store will look:
• Andreas has started coding the html for the store based on the mockup above.

Software Freedom Day (Sept 21)

• Need press release created (I will email the new Press team - we missed out on this last year, and think it's a good opportunity to get GNOME in the news a bit)

GNOME 2.28 Launch

• Release notes (I've been writing the release notes - should be done tonight.  If anyone wants to help proofread, let me know and I'll get you the password to the review site)
• Call for volunteers to be available for press interviews
• Press Kit, including:
∘ Press Release
∘ Talking points available for interviewees
∘ List of interviewees for journalists
(I'll also include that in the email to the Press team - if anyone wants to help start putting these materials together, the help would be appreciated!)

• New website release - see the earlier email today talking a bit about this.

Misc. Activities:

• Create brochures for the GNOME Press Box for conferences - this was on the schedule for August, and Rosanna also sent an email in the last week or two about this.  If anyone wants to start working on it, I would probably recommend working on the copy and content, and we'll ask for some help from the Art team on creating a layout and artwork to put with the content in a brochure.
• Sysadmin team is working on deploying CRM and web analytics
∘ Need to discuss CRM product requirements
• GNOME 3.0 Marketing Campaign
• Amazon store - done!  (Nice work Jaap)

Lastly, I'd like to talk about the potential GNOME 3.0 campaign.  I'll send out a separate email this week to discuss.

If anyone wants to jump in and help, these are some good ideas where we could use the help.



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