Event Box feedback

I was at the Utah Open Source Conference and I have some feedback on the event box. I'm sure Christer has much more.

1. We need to include some points on what to say or demo - either in the event box or on the web. Christer and I put up the Friends of GNOME website and started a GNOME photo contest (for a tshirt). It would also be nice to know common Q&A. Christer can help but things like "what's great about GNOME 3.0", "why GNOME shell", "what language is GNOME written in?", "What is GNOME?", ... we could put these on the wiki for people to read before hand.

2. Demo machine. The demo machine needs to have a working distro with working wireless installed. The version of Fedora on it didn't work with the Broadcom wireless.

3. Handouts. We should provide a few handouts. Like Friends of GNOME and GNOME 3.0. (I grabbed a small handout from the FSF that explained why people should sign up for their donation program.

4. Freebies. There were some stickers in the box which was good. It'd be nice to have some pens or pins too. We also had a contest for the shirt.

5. BANNER! There's no banner in the box! Can some one design a cool banner? It'd be nice to have one cloth one that could hang behind or in front of table and one stand alone one. There's room in the box for them. At least for a cloth one.

6. Locks. The event box has spots for locks but no locks.

Other thoughts?


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