Re: Google Adwords Application for Review (WAS Re: Google Adsense versus Adwords)


Time to ping Leslie now :P


On 07/30/2009 11:20 AM, Stormy Peters wrote:
It's done!

I applied for Google Grants this morning. The confirmation page said it
might take six months to hear back. I'll keep you all posted.


On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org
<mailto:stormy gnome org>> wrote:

    Thanks, Claus!

    I think that looks really good. I'll review again and apply when I
    get back from vacation. (I get back the 24th.)

    On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Claus Schwarm
    <clschwarm googlemail com <mailto:clschwarm googlemail com>> wrote:

          * Waiting 6 months for feedback is a long time, during which
        we may
        change the Friends-of-GNOME page. I don't know whether they
        expect us to
        notify them about these changes during the process. Maybe, we should
        think about a way to keep the file from being edited?

    I think even if we make changes it will keep the same "spirit" and
    most likely most of the look and feel so I think it'll be ok.



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