Re: Quick/small Friends of GNOME change

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 9:21 AM, Roberto Galoppini <roberto galoppini gmail com> wrote:
2009/2/4 Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org>:
> Actually, I would be changing the definition of philanthropist to be anyone
> who gives anything.

I don't think it's a good idea, all in all you're giving
philantropists a public recognition and a gift. They are special to
us, therefore they are special for us.

They wouldn't get a gift - just recognition.


> And I think we need some option that has no minimum. People gave $1 amounts.
> I think depending on where you live, that might be a significant donation.
> We shouldn't turn it away.

Yes, and we might give GNOME stick ads for 1$ or more, to invite
people to make small donations.


> Stormy
> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Brian Cameron <Brian Cameron sun com> wrote:
>> I am not opposed to lowering the Philanthropist amount if we are
>> finding that few people donate $1200 or more, and if we think
>> lowering the amount would encourage more people to donate larger
>> amounts of money.
>> However, I think there should be a minimum amount.  Just saying "Name
>> your amount" seems like it would create confusion about what it means
>> to be a GNOME community philanthropist.
>> Brian
>> Stormy Peters wrote:
>>> Rosanna pointed out that we removed the option to donate less than $25
>>> and we had people that donated small amounts.
>>> On the other hand, in the last six months we've had two large donations,
>>> one for $1000 and one for $750.
>>> So, I was thinking we could change the Philanthropist option from:
>>>      Philanthropist $1200 or more
>>> *You get:* A framed print of GNOME foot signed by the GNOME Board of
>>> Directors and recognition of your contribution.
>>> To:
>>>      Philanthropist: Name your amount
>>> *You get:* Recognition of your contribution.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Stormy

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