Please test amazon search plugin for the US (current ones not working :-( )


I just discovered that for some strange reason the referrals with the
searchplugins I made don't work. By default when I log in to the
affiliate account with Amazon account it shows the combined result of
all referral IDs we have. The store on the website has a different id
than for the search. I now looked at the individual ids and saw that
for the search plugins we have zero sales and clicks. So something is

I now changed the US plugin slightly such that it uses the same url (I
used a slightly different one and thought it did not matter for
getting affiliate fees) as the one ubuntu uses to get affiliate fees
for canonical.

Can you try the new one out? Just remove the search plugin you have
and add the one on

Please click on some items and preferably also buy something such that
I can see that it works correctly.

Can you let me know if you bought something? In about 2 days (the
reports are always about 2 days behind) I can see if the referrals
really work.

Sorry for not noticing earlier because I think we lost quite some
money due to that. Looking at the bright side revenues can be quite a
bit higher than sofar when I get the plugins working correctly

Happy holidays


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