Re: Friends of Eclipse

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 1:55 AM, sankarshan <foss mailinglists gmail com> wrote:

To me that looks a bit scary. The ceiling is 10x the floor, that would
probably scare away folks who come across the Support page with the
idea "I cannot afford much, but will they be accepting this amount" -
looking at that wide a range would be counter productive since a
potential 50 USD contributor will not automatically increase the
amount to say a 300 USD.

Many people do give more than $25 and less than $500 at the moment.
(The data for amounts is in the spreadsheet I put on the wiki every month if anyone wants to do analysis.)

It would be interesting to know how many people give $25 and want a gift versus how many give $26-$500 and want a gift.

Lastly, in most developing nations, the USD -> local currency rate is
a mess (I can very much see in India), is there a way to consider a
"Starter" contributor that can be pitched to students ?

We could definitely do a student supporter. The Linux Foundation does this and recently added a Christmas option for them.


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