Re: GNOME documentation..

On Saturday, 2009-12-05, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> For GNOME 3 are we going to try to set up something to make programming
> GNOME easier (whatever that means), and also I'd really like to see online
> help so that it is more easier to use for beginners.  It would be
> interesting to have some kind of feedback from app developers to see how
> well the apis are working for people.

Something that has been proven to be helpful at KDE is a tool [1] to generate 
an initial application skeleton, e.g. build system files, usual "main" 
function, example class.

It has a kind of instant satisfaction effect for beginners as they can build 
and run the skeleton right away and start experiementing with whatever their 
actual idea for the app is.

It is also quite nice for experienced developers when they are writing 
tutorials because they don't have to describe the project initialization step 
in detail and reference files that need to be modified by name instead of 
generic terms like "the main class' header file".
See [2] for such a tutorial.



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