Re: Cultural Issue with the Foot Logo

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Alex Hudson <home alexhudson com> wrote:

> If we're looking at a cultural problem in Islamic countries, there is some
> precedent there for having separate logos: Red Cross / Red Crescent have
> different symbols because the cross is offensive in those areas too (even
> through unrelated descent). I believe they're different organisations, and
> they also have a third symbol - a diamond - as a reserve. GNOME could apply
> the same thinking, though.

Exactly what I got as a comment from my friend. At first, I thought
about the Debian project which has official logo with the bottle and the
other without. But the Red Cross / Red Crescent example also applies.

> Would there be a problem using something like a stylised hand-print? It
> could be made to look recognisably "GNOME" with a G palm, yet still
> obviously a hand.

You mean something the GPE project is currently using?

Theppitak Karoonboonyanan

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