
Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-10-26 at 18:07 -0400, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> [snip]
>> I have a
>> different approach to the solution: Lets install a readily available CMS, like
>> Joomla, plug it into our existing LDAP account system, make it easy for
>> everyone with commit access to create a web password and edit.  Then we can
>> mobilize the hundreds of our volunteers to keep the website up to date instead
>> of looking for The One.
> That's as likely to make things worse as to make them better, and it's
> likely to lock us into something before we've thought properly about
> whether that's what we want. For instance, it would make it even more
> difficult to eventually have a website whose content can be translated
> as easily as our GNOME desktop application and documentation text.

Do we absolutely need that feature?  I'm very doubtful of people jumping at it
and actually translating more than, say, 5 pages.

> I'd be particularly worried about using any CMS that didn't let us see the 
> changes that all these hundreds of people made day to day.

Details?  Isn't Plone development open?

What has frightened me about the Plone plan is that when I read messages about
it, it's always about coding and making changes in Plone itself, while I had
expected it to be customization and configuration for GNOME's use.  What's so
different about GNOME's requirements needing so much changes in an
off-the-shelf CMS?

> At the moment, I am 
> 1. Assuming that the Plone effort will fail again, or take time-approaching-infinity 
> to get even a test site up.
> 2. Doing what I can to help the Plone people to help us, in case I am wrong about 1.
> 3. Trying to get the structure and content out of the Plone system so I can archive it, 
> and then just reorganize the existing gnomweb-wml stuff to match it. That way we will 
> not have lost that result from the whole process, though we won't have the advantages 
> of the real Plone system.    
> At the moment, I am the only person doing any of this, and I've been doing it as a 
> follow-on from Quim's previous leadership, with his consent. Of course the board is 
> free to ask me to step aside and do nothing instead. I do have other things to do.

Doh, no, why?  I'm glad there's some website cleanup is coming out of this
even if the Plone thing doesn't arrive anytime soon.



> Murray

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