Re: Try your hand at a creative Friends of GNOME slide


Shouldn't there be some mention of the humanitarian aspects of free
software.  Mention, for example, that GNOME is used by the
one-laptop-per-child progrma, it has accessibility, etc.  You do mention
localization in global languages, but you could highlight the
humanitarian aspect of this work more.

We should encourage people to understand how supporting free solutions
helps the disadvantaged, or could help the disadvantaged if people were
able to step out of their herd-like Windows mentalities.  Moo.

One important part of GNOME is the GNOME Community, and I think these
humanitarian aspects helps to make people understand that community
as being more than something just technical, or a way for business to
reduce the bottom line.


To promote Friends of GNOME, I'd like to have a slide available that people
can put at the end of any GNOME presentation they do. (Voluntarily, of

I'd like to have a couple of fun options for people to choose from.

Typically, I think these are best created in a brainstorming session, but as
that's hard to do over a mailing list, I thought I'd come up with a couple
and throw them out there. Anybody like creating fun slides want to join in?
Or just give your feedback on these? (Obviously they are not polished - I
meant them more as ideas.)

I put my ideas in a pdf,



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