Boosting Friends of GNOME in 2008

Hi all,

After I started to work on the GNOME mug design update, I thought it
would be a good chance to dedicate some more time to boost our
donations through the Friends of GNOME program.

Here are the current ideas:

1. Update the mug design

Doing this already. The design will be the GNOME equation[1] with the
message "I'm a Friend of GNOME!". The color is will be green but this
might change depending on the availability of mugs with the desired

2. Update the mug design

Not sure about this one yet but, again, the idea is to have a brand
new donation gift t-shirt with the equation as well. Same t-shirt that
was distributed during FOSDEM this year which made a lot of success.

3. Prepare a program for long-term donors

The idea is to provide ways to easily make monthly donations. We'll
provide ways for donating 5, 10, 20 or 50 per month (this might change
but that's the general idea) through Paypal.

The donor would receive the benefit after the last payment. In other words:
- If a person donates 5, 10, or 20 per month, he/she would get a mug
- If a person donates 50 per month, he/she would get a t-shirt

We could give the benefits in advance but then it could be cancelled
just after starting...

4. Promoting Friends of GNOME

After we have everything setup (mugs, t-shirts and long-term donation
program), make a nice campaign to get short-term and long-term donors.
The equation (in the mug and t-shirt) would be the "moto" for this

Comments? More ideas?



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