Re: Maybe help ease the pain of 2.20 release notes?

AHA! gotcha.

That's very doable and will lead to some very good release notes this time around. I pitched the idea of tasks in a previous email. So maybe a task page can be set up for Scenarios or whatever we'll call them, and assign either to a team or an individual or whatever. Any thoughts on managing that way?

On 3/16/07, Dave Neary <bolsh gnome org> wrote:


Gervais Mulongoy wrote:
> So like a testimonial from a user or a scenario that readers can
> identify with, which leads to coverage of the GNOME tech that made it
> possible?

I mean the scenarios.

So: Here's a problem that a blind computer user encounters every day.
Here's a way that GNOME has helped fix it.

> Is there a message or theme you had in mind? Because lately GNOME has
> been all about eye-candy and simply beautiful. Should the user/use cases
> focus on that theme? or is there a new direction for 2.20?

I don't think it has - that makes for the nicest screencasts, but if you
look at most of the functionality going in, it's been more about ease of
use, accessibility, polish in the sense of making things Just Work.

What's been lacking is a drive in a particular direction. Which means
lots of small advances in different directions, but doesn't make for a
coherent approach which makes a big leap forward for anyone.

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
bolsh gnome org

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