requesting screens for the release notes

Hello everyone:

I need some help gathering some screens for the release notes. I do not have VMware player installed, and Garnome borked (missing deps) when I ran it last night.

Below I have compiled a list of the the screens I am looking for. Please also note that where I specified "in action" I intend to show a before (ie 2.16) and after(new and improved 2.18) so improved are are easier to see. The rest are specific screenshots to build the anticipation (the more the users know what to look for the better it will seem when they get there).

Please when taking the screenshots make sure you can setup and take the same screenshot repeatedly so that it will be easier to get screens with translations. I would really like to have screenshots that are the same regardless of the language, and it will also help demonstrate just how far Gnome has come with its language support. For example, we take a picture of Bug Buddy in action, well I would like to be able to recreate the conditions for that screenshot. hopefully this will help the translation teams.

Please let me know if there are other apps that are receiving changes still, and where a screenshot will be relevant.

The list of requested screenshots:

note: internationalization improvements will become apparent in the translated screenshots, but we can have some in actions demoing internationalization.

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