Re: wgo footer designs

Ricky Zhou wrote:
It should be pretty
straight-forward to implement on the CSS side, but do you feel that the
various accessibility/standards buttons are a bit generic?  (Although
I'm also having a hard time visualizing any nice non-generic alternative
Well... they're the same buttons that are up on the Plone site right 
now. They seemed pretty appropriate, but I agree they do look a bit 
generic. Maybe I could touch some of them up? Or do you mean overall you 
don't like that style (it's kind of become a standard for many sites.)
It might also be cool if we had a 'hosted on Linux' one and even a 
little GNOME one that people could use on their sites to show their 
support. What do you think? Ooh, or even created in the Gimp and 
Inkscape ones... :) ( has Gimp & Inkscape ones we could use)
I think I actually made a GNOME one before.... ah I found it, attached. 
Maybe I'm getting too little rectangular icon happy.... :)
Thanks (and I might actually have some extra time to dedicate to wgo
next week)


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