Re: A brief on the focus on Performance improvements in Evolution 2.8 for GNOME 2.16


thanks for the text and especially for the images. I tried to re-write
it a little bit to make the text a little bit less demanding.

Unfortunatly, I probably not a developer myself so I had to guess
wildly about the meaning of some notes. For example, I totally
failed to understand the sentence about the GroupWise backend for
Evolution data center.

My first try is available here:

I probably over-simplyfied too much. Please have a look and let me know
where it happened. That would be a real help.

Btw, rocking images! Thanks. :-)


On Tue, 05 Sep 2006 12:46:17 +0530
Harish Krishnaswamy <kharish novell com> wrote:

> Please find attached a HTML file with a few bullet points and a few
> graphs on what exactly was done on the performance front, in the
> Evolution 2.7 development cycle.
> Hope you find this useful. Let me know if you would like to have
> more/different information.
> Thanks,
> Harish

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