Re: Photo Library for Marketing


Murray Cumming wrote:
>> <quote who="Murray Cumming">
>>> I guess that sooner or later we're going to do some Happy Gnome People
>>> advertising campaign. When we do that we'll want some high quality
>>> photos
>>> of some attractive people, in some consistent style (though that could
>>> be
>>> a post-processing thing). We'll have to use community members as the
>>> models.
> A photo library of people, because we can't afford to pay professional
> models or pay for stock photos.
> They don't have to be our developers, in case you have any better ideas,
> but it would actually fit in quite nicely with the idea of marketing to
> 3rd party developers, and building our community.

So you want photos of happy GNOME users and developers? Or just happy
people in general? Is the idea to continue Andreas's idea of "GNOME, the
official desktop of happy people"?


Dave Neary
bolsh gimp org
Lyon, France

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