Re: 2.16 slogan and banner

'alo Mairin

On 8/28/06, Máirín Duffy <duffy redhat com> wrote:
Panos Laganakos wrote:
> After talking with Quim, the Impact Font used on the slogan had to go,
> so, here is 07a release with DejaVu Sans Condensed.

This looks *really* *really* good!!!

My only suggestion would be to not embed the 2.16 in the GNOME logo
quite as much. I've attached a suggestion as to what I mean but you
could treat the '2.16' text any number of ways, just keep it in a
different weight/position than the 'GNOME' text.

Basically, my rationale is that it weakens the GNOME logo somewhat to
add secondary element in the primary logotype area. It'd be better to
keep secondary elements visually secondary. Make sense?
Yep, makes sense to me too. I took the liberty of using the SVG you
attached, lemme know if you mind.

Here are the results (07b is the default and 07c has a bit of transparency)

Thanks Mairin :)


Panos Laganakos

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