Re: 2.16 slogan and banner

After talking with Quim, the Impact Font used on the slogan had to go,
so, here is 07a release with DejaVu Sans Condensed.

On 8/28/06, Panos Laganakos <panos laganakos gmail com> wrote:
And we're at 07 already :)

On 8/28/06, Quim Gil <qgil desdeamericaconamor org> wrote:
> El dl 28 de 08 del 2006 a les 10:50 +0100, en/na Joachim Noreiko va
> escriure:
> > The power manager icon at the front works well.
> Indeed, it looks very "powerful".
> A shameless proposal of elements positioning attached. Don't take
> anything literal (dimensions, colors, fonts, positioning of the icons in
> the orbit, etc), it's just a suggestion to relocate elements.
> It also incorporates a known relation between slogan (big and important
> at the top) and brand (small but also important for having a logo and
> being in the "label" corner).
> PS: Inspiration for the inclination  ;)
> --
> Quim Gil /// |

Panos Laganakos

Panos Laganakos

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