Re: Internet Marketing

I'm not sure whether using such general terms as 'desktop' is ok. Let's
be honest: people googleing for 'desktop' are probably not looking for
us. It won't result in any positive reaction (for us). It is a waste of
resources, for us and everybody else.

However, more specific terms such as 'desktop environment', 'Linux
desktop', 'GNU/Linux desktop', 'Unix desktop', combined or with
additional charateristics such as 'free', 'easy-to-use', or 'usable'
should be ok, IMHO. Translations of these terms will do, too.

There's no need to become number 1 on the results page. But it would be
nice to be listed on the first page of results for, say, 'easy-to-use
Linux desktop'. There's enought room for us and KDE and some others,


On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 17:09:42 +0200
"Jose Ramon Palanco" <jpalanco gmail com> wrote:

> I would like to propose make an internet campaing for search engines. At
> first I would like to know the words we would like to promote, I think the
> best one is "desktop". Now a days we are in 4th position. If we post to
> forums or blogs linking "desktop" to we can improve it ;)
> Examples:
> <pre>
> ...ble ble as I said Gnome <a herf="" title="Gnome: the free desktop
> software project">Desktop</a> is ble ble...
> </pre>
> Jose

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