Re: live CDs for conference booths

On 4/15/06, Ben Konrath <ben bagu org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I whipped up 50 GNOME 2.14 live CDs last night for distribution at
> conferences. I printed a simple image on the CD so they look semi-slick.
> I ended up using the same image we used for EclispeCon which can be seen
> here:
> If you're graphically inclined and want to cook up a better image for
> the next round of CDs, that would be cool.
> Anyway, if you're running a booth somewhere, send me an address and I'll
> send you the CDs.

JRB and I are actually trying to assemble a North American booth box
like the European one:

It would be cool to throw those in there as soon as we get it together.


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