Re: Proposal for GNOME press release about Nokia device


The news is "Nokia shows how brilliant GNOME is" - in one foul swoop this news pushes GNOME (like it or not) into the mobile device market.
It plays directly to one of the markets we talked about before, ISVs. 
GNOME and GTK+ now appear to be in the process of becoming the de facto 
choice for ISVs on Linux (Firefox, OOo, Eclipse, and now Nokia).
It is also a massive vote of confidence for the usability work which has 
been done at the toolkit level in GNOME, making the writing of usable 
applications easy.
This is a huge reinforcement of the direction which GNOME has taken 
since before the 2.0 release, and we should release something saying 
"Ain't we great".

Claus Schwarm a écrit :

certainly Nokia's use of GNOME tech is great but where's the news value
of the press release? Most journalists are not happy about getting press
releases without any value; just like developers who are complaining
when irrelevant stuff is sent to desktop-devel.

David Neary
bolsh gimp org

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