Re: Gnome Presentation Templates for


> Hi, I maximized the fields to fill the full sheet.
> Please tell me if you think I should add some text at the bottom of the page.
> The NEW template can be downloaded from:

This is awesome. Here's some thoughts I had -

o Remove the 'A Free Desktop for Unix' text, and allow that to be an
  optional secondary heading
o Include an optional opening and closing page. See - for an example
o I quite like the footprints, but not so keen on seeing the foot
  reversed. Maybe someone might have thoughts on whether this is 
o I don't think the text at the bottom is necessary - usually you find
  yourself running out of room on a presentation as it is ;)

Not entirely sure how you can do this in OpenOffice, but you will be my
new hero if you can achieve this!

thanks heaps!!


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