Re: [Fwd: GUADEC7 press release draft]

Just another note:

The press release could be made a little bit more interesting if we'd be
able to provide a few more background informations, such as for example:

 * How many people attend to the IGC usually? 300, 500, 1000? 
 * Is there anything special about GNOME that makes the joined
   conference for GNOME and IGC remarkable? 
 * Any special software in GNOME that might interest IGC visitors, and
   that may have an impact on how they work, or that may affect the
   market for competiting software?
 * Is there anything special about the local administrations solutions?
 * Are they already using GNOME, or are they developing their solutions
   with the GNOME dev. platform? 
 * Are their solutions Open Source or Free Software? Could other
   administrations use it, or learn from their example?
 * Is there anything special, GNOME offers for the above groups? Will
   GUADEC feature anything remarkable? For example, I could imaging that
   the Windows Evolution port might be ready at that time, enabling a
   smoother transition of governments to a Free Software infrastructure
   with Linux.
 * What about Mono and/or GNOME-Java/GCJ presentations that help
   administrations to provide better solutions to their citizens at
   lower costs?
 * Is the foundation planning a special series of presentations for
   people working on Internet, and/or local administrations?
 * Could the Nokia/GNOME dev. platform offer any advantages for

Maybe these are not the best examples, but it should make the direction
clear: What benefits could be reported to readers when a journal or news
paper publishes the press release? What makes the conference interesting
when the reader is not a (GNOME) developer?


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