OSCON Booth planning..

Just an update on the OSCON booth.

I think pretty much everything is ready logistically (we have about
3 for sure, and five if things work out)  But I need a little help
in locating the GNOME poster that I think was last headed out to
California last year.  If not, we need to come up with one. :-)


* I'd like to sell some t-shirts if possible

* I'm also trying to see if I can get a GNOME Live CD included in
  the conference packet that is given out to all the attendees.
  That will allow us to distribute GNOME conference wide.

  I need to determine if they agree to distribute it, how many they
  will need and when.  Would it be possible to press say 1-2K cds?

I'll look into trying to get an automated demo going because
last year I find that people aren't interested in doing hands on
approach to playing with GNOME.  A nice little automated demo will
show things nicely.

Thats about it for now.  THe conference starts on August first, but
the floor doesn't open till 3rd I believe.


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