Re: a mascot maybe'd help

Am Sonntag, den 10.07.2005, 13:45 -0400 schrieb Javier Aravena:
> hi, I'm not a marketing expert at all, in fact I do not know anything
> about marketing, however I read once an article written by some opera
> marketing guy that stated that even though logos are great, mascot are
> greater 'cause you can lead the users to answer what we want them to
> answer to the "if gnome was a person, how would it look like" ...


I also thought like this. But yesterday another idea came to my mind:
What about not branding GNOME at all? I mean if GNOME is just the thing
behind the desktop. GNOME could concentrate on good software and
interaction with distributors, ISVs, etc.

GNOME has to choose a direction. If it wants to be a product, it should
make its own distribution - or if it just wants to support, it does not
need a user recognizable Logo and stuff like this.

Distzrubutors and software vendors than could make GNOME easily their
own (while respecting the GNOME integrity ans support the GNOME
development). Then their would be any interaction between the user and
GNOME (foundation).



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