Re: [Fwd: Re: New supporter]

On 7/5/05, John Williams <jwilliams business otago ac nz> wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-07-05 at 15:44 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
> > Now, I think what John is pushing for in terms of research (and what
> > at least one other party is quietly working on)
> Oooh! Oooh! Who?

I'm not sure he wants it particularly public yet, so I won't name a
name, but he's been working on it for his MBA thesis (hence some
privacy to the effort) and I believe he'll be releasing results in the
fall. There isn't much overlap as far as I can tell with what you're
poking at, but I'm not really privy to his data.

> > That kind
> > of persuasive research and communication, among peers[2], is the only
> > way we can influence the technological direction of GNOME.
> My thoughts exactly. Thanks for making this explicit Luis. Perhaps these thoughts should be displayed prominently on the MarketingTeam page?
> Would you like to edit that page Luis? If not, do you trust me to do it
> on your behalf?

Go for it! :) This peer thing means I have to try to trust you, and
fix it later if it doesn't work out :)
for another take on this and how it works/has to work for us, from an
apache dev.)


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