Re: wooing government.


There are presentations of GNOME in the wiki in

Luis is working on a powerpoint low-level presentation of GNOME
(at least, that's what I understood). There are also talking
points (the things that we should shout about as benefits) at - this isn't
polished, perhaps, but should be sufficient to drive a 20-30
minute presentation.


Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> I was looking at a slashdot story (yeah, I know bad precendent)
> and the Governor of our great state seems to be quite infatuated
> with Open Source.  
> I'm seriously considering trying to set up a meeting him with to show
> the GNOME desktop.  However, since governors tend to be very busy
> people, thinking of a 5 minute end to end speal on what GNOME is,
> what problem it solves, and how much money it'll save the government
> sounds like an interesting challenge.  There was a guy who tried
> to introduce a bill on open source, talking to him might give me
> some hints on how to deal with legislators.
> Currently, the Governor and our local Portland city mayor has been
> trying solve the funding (or lack thereof) of school systems and
> introducing a viable linux desktop for use in schools.  Now, school
> systems are using Linux but I'm not sure in what capacity though.
> But used in class rooms that would be great. (as opposed to say a
> network router or something)
> sri
> --
> -- 
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        David Neary,
        Lyon, France
   E-Mail: bolsh gimp org

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