Re: GNOME Logo & Typeface


(For Tim: Andy is asking questions about our marks, which I think you can answer better than me).

Andy Fitzsimon a écrit :
> On 4/20/05, David Neary <dneary free fr> wrote:
>>On Apr 20, 2005, at 7:19 AM, Andy Fitzsimon wrote:
>>>I've been looking around for the 'official-trademarked'  SVG of the
>>>gnome logo..
>>>I found the gnome-foot on jdubs site  however I'd like to have the
>>>typeface as well.
>>The font is Trebuchet MS, ironically enough.
and that logo + text is apparently trademarked ... how ?

You should ask Tim Ney how we went about the trademarking - ten gnome org - basically we went to a lawyer and said "We use these marks - can you trademark them for us?" and they did. So we have trademarks on the plain foot, the foot with the GNOME text, and also on the GNOME name (I believe). Tim can answer more definitively and better than I can.

David Neary
Director, GNOME Foundation
bolsh gimp org

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