Re: The "What is GNOME?" Answer

On Thu, 2004-03-11 at 18:20 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> > >   "The GNOME Project is an effort to create a complete, free and
> > >   easy-to-use desktop environment for users, as well as a powerful
> > >   application development framework for software developers."
> > 
> > Personally, the only change I would make is to cast it as a completed
> > goal, rather than an effort. (Simply delete "an effort to create".)
> > 
> > If we _really_ want to be simple, I would replace "desktop environment"
> > with "graphical environment and set of applications".
> Yeah, I like both of those changes. Perhaps we should switch "an effort to
> create" with "an international collaborative project that has created"?

I don't favour this.  Mainly because GNOME is the GNU Network Object
Model Environment, i.e. a bunch of software.  I overlooked, in the
original, the work "Project".  If the explanation is to be short,
perhaps we should focus first on the most tangible aspect of GNOME: all
those zeros and ones.  We could then split things into

(a) What is GNOME?
(b) What is the GNOME Project?

>From my point of view this makes communication easier. 

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