Re: Mapbox status

Hi Niels,

On Thu, 2018-01-04 at 14:03 +0100, Niels De Graef wrote:
In light of the previous thread on the maps mailing list [1], I would
like to ask if anyone knows about the plans for the Mapbox tile
service in both the long term and the short term.

Short term: am I correct in thinking that we have now transferred
the pay-as-you-go plan (as mentioned in the last thread)? If so, does
the foundation get the bill and does the Board of Directors need to
know about this? If we can still enjoy the free plan, are the terms &
conditions still the same?

In the short term, we're having our access extended on a month-by-month 
basis while we work out a more permanent solution. Big thanks to MapBox
for this offer. We're working with MapBox to see what the cost of the
pay-as-you-go plan would be, and are trying to see how that could be
affordable for the Foundation.

Long term: if we can continue with MapBox or another service
are other GNOME apps also allowed to use this service (and the JSON
service file of Maps)? I'm asking this as the GNOME Contacts
maintainer, as the app sorely needs to look into updating its code
displaying maps. I'm at a point where I'm even considering
(temporarily) ripping that feature out as it's leading to crashes for
some people.

I'm not sure about the specifics for this, but AIUI, we have a GNOME
redirector in place so in theory, we should have something more stable
even if we do switch providers. I'm not entirely sure who runs that -
any ideas?

Neil McGovern
Executive Director, The GNOME Foundation

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