Re: UI freeze exception requests for Maps

lör 2018-02-17 klockan 13:37 +0100 skrev Marcus Lundblad:

First, we have a few improvements to touch support: Adding a swipe
gesture for opening the routing sidebar:
w_bug.cgi?id=734239 , enabling selecting markers (such as current
location) using touch:
0 and support opening the context menu using long-press (in addition

The first and last of these, I have WIP code for in a branch and the
selecting thing I think should be fairly straightforward to fix, but
I'll need to definatly test these "for real" on my tablet (so far
tested using emulated touch on desktop), so these are a bit
and if there are other issues and I'm not finished before the hard
freeze, I'll wait.

Honestly, I don't really think these counts as UI changes, but I
thought I should at least mention them anyway.

I tested out these two patches on my tablet last night, and I've
decided to withdraw these parts of the freeze exception request. Trying
to combine a GtkGestureLongPress on the GTK Champlain embed widget
seems to interfere in weird ways with Champlain's touch events further
down (in Clutter), resulting in the panning action getting stuck in
some kind of pinch gesture after the first long press has been used.
Also the swipe from the side one doesn't really feel right, as it gives
a kinetic scroll push to the map area, I think this would need to be
handled as a more integrated part of the map widget itself (something
like triggering a special "swip in" action that bypasses the panning,
or something like that).

So, I think I'd rather leave this for next cycle :-)

The part about fixing the layout of the shortcuts window is still
something I'd like to get in though for 3.28.


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