State of OSM editing


I thought I'd give a bit of a briefing on the state of OpenStreetMap
editing in Maps.
Currenly it is at a state where I trust it do actual updating of the
real OSM database.

There is still no GUI setup for auth handling, so you still need to
supply user name and password through the env variables OSM_USERNAME
and OSM_PASSWORD. To use the live OSM database, also set
OSM_USE_LIVE_API=yes. The mock object and object type variables is not
needed (and not used) when running against the live API.

Currently you can can add/edit/delete the tags for name, wikipedia,
population, and wheelchair access.

I also changed the debugging, so now all debug (I think) should use
Util.debug, so set MAPS_DEBUG=1 to get debugging output, also a lot of
the debugging output for the callbacks where removed, now the
downloaded objects and the XML representations for changesets and
uploaded objects are debug printed.


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