Re: gnome-maps GNOME Maps offline trip planing


Yeah, and as you say in your other email Mapnik can render via Cairo
too. This might be something to look into later. If you want to do some
research on this it would be really helpful. What we would need to know

 - are there any good vector tile format that mapnik also 
   can read? I think Mapbox has been working on this
 - Are there any good map servers that can serve these vector

Maybe this one is of interst:

Also, this is a list of all the plugins mapnik supports:

However, I can't judge which are the right sources to use. 

 - what dependencies does Mapnik have? 

This is an extract of the lastest mapnik ebuild. I removed default
stuff on which gnome depends anyway. The ones with the question mark
are optional.

        gdal? ( sci-libs/gdal )
        geos? ( sci-libs/geos )
        postgres? ( >=dev-db/postgresql-base-8.3 )
        sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )

 - is it reasonable to run it on a desktop computer? We used to
   run Mapnik with TileStache on our servers at my old work but 
   I have no idea how it fares on a desktop computer.
 - How fast is the rendering? It needs to be comparable to using
   online maps in libchamplain.

I can only tell about the OsmAnd renderer. On my mobile, it is getting
slow as soon as I enabled every detail including height maps and such.

The source code repository of OsmAnd also includes a C++ port of their
renderer, however, it is Qt based.
The reason for me talking about vector tiles is that we can't reasonably
expect the user to download map data before using Maps. The app should
just work when started. The benefits of using vector data is obvious
when you need to work offline though which makes vector tiles a good
middle ground.

So obviously, vector rendering should be an option, but
downloading the tiles from the web (including a local cache) should be

I have the feeling that it all comes down to either:
 1. Provide pre-processed OSM data as download, as OsmAnd does or
 2. find a free vector tile server or
 3. implement the download from OSM and perform the conversion to a
    usable format locally. 

Number three is probably quite slow. I remember aborting the
import of Germany to a Postgre-SQL database after several hours.
Probably number one is the way to go.


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