Re: [Mailman Site List] Please help remove an address from ALL Gnome lists!

On พฤ., 2004-12-02 at 19:51 +0100, MacLemon - Pepi Zawodsky wrote:
> Dear Gnome Mailman!
> I want to help someone to remove his eMail address from ALL of your 
> mailing list subscriptions. A former owner of a domain subscribed  many 
> Gnome mailing lists. This domain has since been transferred to a new 
> owner who now gets a lot of mail traffic from the lists and who of 
> course wants to unsubscribe from ALL of the Gnome lists at once. Since 
> the current owner doesn't exactly know to which lists he is subscribed 
> to he has a hard time unsubscribing them. It's time consuming as well 
> and quite hard to find wanted mails among tons of unwanted eMails. I 
> ask for help to remove this address from all Gnome mailing lists.
> The subscribed eMail adress in question to be removed is
> belonging to Mr. Borsky.
> Should you need additional information please don't hesitate to contact 
> me or Mr. Borsky. You may reach myself at the email i sent this from or 
> Mr. Borsky at the problem email or more likely at 
> (Notice the very small difference in the domains 
> vs.
> Thanks for your help!
> Regards
> Pepi Zawodsky

bash-2.05b$ bin/remove_members --fromall
User `' removed from list: boston-social.
User `' removed from list: calendar-list.
User `' removed from list: gtkglarea-list.
User `' removed from list: gtkglext-list.
User `' removed from list: gtk-i18n-list.
User `' removed from list: gtk-perl-list.
User `' removed from list: sawfish-list.
User `' removed from list: storage-list.
User `' removed from list: wm-spec-list.
User `' removed from list: xml-bindings.
User `' removed from list: bugzilla-devel-list.
User `' removed from list: coaster-devel-list.



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