Re: Administrativia

Roozbeh Pournader wrote:
> > * Should it be part of GNU gettext or separate?
> I believe separate would be much better. We don't necessarily want to
> have the exact constraints imposed on GNU gettext by its traditions.

OK, let's go for separate packages.

> >   It it's part of GNU gettext, it will be easier to install on non-glibc
> >   systems. If it's separate, people will need to build and install
> >   1. gettext (for the tools), 2. glocale (for libglocale), 3. gettext
> > again (so that msggrep works better).
> I don't get it. Which tools from gettext are we talking about that
> glocale will depend on?

The glocale's cooker depends on the msgfmt program, and the msggrep program
shall at some point use glocale... But that's a minor point, that can be
fixed either through autoconf tests, through configure options or by
rearranging code.


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