Re: Revitalizing the list services

[ This mailing list is supposed to let only announcements through, as
far as I know, but this one had questions that might interest a large
number of the subscribers. Hence, let through and responded to. ]

Em Seg, 2006-03-06 �23:22 +0000, Alan Horkan escreveu:
> Is there no way to better automate this process?

It is going to be at least partially automated. As the last paragraph of
my message states, this is just a status update so the list owners know
what is going on.

> For example I think discussions of Viagra and other subjects are plainly
> offtopic for most Gnome lists and it seems fair enough to take a more
> aggrevise approach when filtering out spam from the lists.

We have been doing our best to filter spam, but if we are not willing to
discard legitimate messages (or at least any considerable amount of
them), some of it will simply keep going through. And not having perfect
methods to stop spam is also no excuse for us to have inactive list

> I think I might be interested in helping the Moderator Team occasionally.
> Is there a wiki page somewhere with more information?

Yes, it is Actually good that you
mentioned it, because we now have a section with specific guidelines for
individual lists moderation.

> Thanks for putting the work in and making things happen.

Thanks for cooperating with the work. =)

  Guilherme de S. Pastore
  The GNOME Sysadmin Team

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