When I wrote my answer, I must have forgotten the last part of your question. (When is each node type used?)
I don't think that's described very well anywhere. The descriptions in the reference documentation are extremely short. The tutorial (https://developer.gnome.org/libxml++-tutorial/stable/chapter-parsers.html) only shows the inheritance hierarchy (not fully updated) with no further explanation. Each leaf in the inheritance hierarchy corresponds to a value of enum xmlElementType in the underlying C package, libxml2, but that's also very briefly documented.
You can probably get some feeling for the node types by experimenting with some of the example programs, e.g.
2013-08-31 18:40, Pablo Madoery skrev:
thank you very much. Your answer is really useful for me.
2013/8/30 Kjell Ahlstedt <kjell ahlstedt bredband net>
The text nodes contain the white space between the tags. If you use
instead of
no white space is added, and there are no text nodes.
I don't think there is any documentation that explains the inheritance hierarchy. Actually I don't think there is much to explain. The inheritance hierarchy has no deeper meaning. It does not correspond to the structure of an xml document. I think it's mostly an attempt to group node types that have something in common.
2013-08-29 21:00, Pablo Madoery skrev:
Hello. I have this code and it generate some xml like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Scenario><A/><B/><C/></Scenario>
When i want to obtain all the childs Elements (A, B, C) i use a list in this way
xmlpp::Node::NodeList list = rootNode->get_children();
for (xmlpp::Node::NodeList::iterator cur = list.begin(); cur != list.end(); ++cur){cout<<(*cur)->get_name()<<endl;}
when i obtain the list:textAtextBtextCtext
Why has it TextNodes interleaved with the Nodes i want ?
I dont understand very well the inheritance hierarchy of node types (https://developer.gnome.org/libxml++/stable/classxmlpp_1_1Node.html):
- xmlpp::Node:
- xmlpp::Attribute
- xmlpp::ContentNode
- xmlpp::CdataNode
- xmlpp::CommentNode
- xmlpp::ProcessingInstructionNode
- xmlpp::TextNode
- xmlpp::Element
- xmlpp::EntityReference
is there some documentation that explains better inheritance hierarchy of node types and when is used each?
Thank you very much for your time !!!