Re: [libxml++] Libxml++ development

CCing the mailing list, because you didn't.

On Thu, 2010-09-09 at 17:52 +0000, m-lorente users sourceforge net
> Hello,
> I realized that the library is no more developped

I don't think that's particularly true.

>  whereas there is still 
> some work to do:
> - add unit tests (for regression purpose)
> - add support for creating CDATA node
> - add better support for namespaces
> - clean correctly sax parser when an exception other than 
> xmlpp::exception (or one of its derived class) is thrown.
> I think I can help to do part of this.

Sure. Patches are as welcome as ever, please.

> In the future, I think the API can evolve to integrate some iterators to 
> make it more friendly.

murrayc murrayc com

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