Coexistence of libxml++ and libxml2 in the same process

Hi everyone,

while trying to use the libxml++ in a browser plugin project (namely 
lightspark) I've discovered that libxml++ seems not designed to coexist with 
unwrapped usage of libxml2 in the same process. This is caused by the static 
initialization and destruction done by Document::Init, I'm reporting the 
snippet here for convenience

  xmlInitParser(); //Not always necessary, but necessary for thread safety.

  xmlCleanupParser(); //As per xmlInitParser(), or memory leak will happen.

So the xml system is uninitialized when libxml++ is unloaded, even if there 
are other users of libxml2 still living. Moreover, every xml node creation go 
through libxml++ handlers, and this causes crashes here and there if the 
calling code is expecting to use normal libxml2.

Any idea to make libxml++ more robust to such issues?

Alessandro Pignotti

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