Absolute Namespaces

Hello all,

I have the following problem, I am using libxml2 to read in XML files.
But i get for some instances from this method


a return code of "-1"

and the message

/www/Abt-Optimization/ttplib/download/TbMacroInfra.xsd:3: namespace
warning : xmlns: URI Tb/TbMacroInfra is not absolute
<xsd:schema xmlns="Tb/TbMacroInfra" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"

So how can I get this to work with not absolute namespaces ?

Thanks a lot
     Thomas Schlechte

Thomas Schlechte \ Konrad Zuse Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik Berlin
------------------\      Takustrasse 7, D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem, GERMANY
                   \              *Phone: +49-30 841 85-317 *Fax: -269
                    \                      http://www.zib.de/schlechte
                     \                                schlechte zib de

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