[libxml++] Do we have a complete reference manual of libxml++

Dear libxml++ developer,

Where can I find a full specification for your libxml++ classes and
their members? For example: some members come with no description in
below link to the reference doc. Is it guaranteed for me to make a
xmlpp::TextReader::move_to_next_attribute() call without a previous
move_to_first_attribute() call? They both present on your short manual

Suppose I have an xml file as follow. Why does it report the
`database' element and the attribute twice? Can I suppress the `#text'

<database provider="mysql">scm2</database>

  --- node ---
  name: database
  depth: 1
    dbms: mysql
    --- node ---
    name: #text
    depth: 2
    no attributes
    value: 'scm2'
  --- node ---
  name: database
  depth: 1
    dbms: mysql
  --- node ---
  name: #text
  depth: 1
  no attributes
  value: '

 - lovecreatesbea    gmail com

<quote url=http://libxmlplusplus.sourceforge.net/docs/reference/html/classxmlpp_1_1TextReader.html#3ffee74ac337f73f3205d23c3c0eafec>


       bool xmlpp::TextReader::move_to_first_attribute  (   )

       bool xmlpp::TextReader::move_to_next_attribute  (   )


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