Re: [libxml++] Borland C++/C++ Builder

Simon Reye wrote:
Does anyone have a guide to building libxml++ under Borland compilers?

Guide? It is indeed simple.

Unfortunately it can not be built from IDE because of the cc extension
but with makefile is just ok.

Attached to this message is the makefile for building libxml++ 1.0.4
under borland free compiler or bcb 5/6. Unpack it to the win32_msvc6
folder and from there run the makefile like this:

for debug: make -f libxml++bcb.mak
for release: make -DBMODE=RELEASE -f libxml++bcb.mak

There is allso need to change code a bit.

1. line 297
       ( name ? std::string((const char*)name) : ""),
change to this:
       ( name ? std::string((const char*)name) : std::string("")),

allso from line 299 to line 301 simmilar change in the code:
from this:
       ( publicId ? std::string((const char*)publicId) : ""),
       ( systemId ? std::string((const char*)systemId) : ""),
       ( content ? std::string((const char*)content) : "") );
to this:
       ( publicId ? std::string((const char*)publicId) : std::string("")),
       ( systemId ? std::string((const char*)systemId) : std::string("")),
       ( content ? std::string((const char*)content) : std::string("")) );

Simmilar change is needed at line 504 and 505 too.

Aparently borland compiler requires that in ?  opeator both values are
of exactly the same type.

After these changes you can build the library. You will also need
headers fro libxml2 and iconv libraries.

Of course all this applies to libxml++ 1.0.4 . More recent versions of
library require other gtkmm libraries which is just pain to compile. For
that reason I use this older version.

(Attachment is not in this message for the list because it is not possible to send message with attachment)

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