Re: [libxml++] Makefile

>>>>> "SR" == Simon Reye <sreye indauto com au> writes:


 SR> I'm rather new to c++ development on Linux and am having trouble
 SR> just compiling and linking some of the simple example programs
 SR> for libxml++.  Does anyone have a simple Makefile that has the
 SR> necessary include and library settings to build a libxml++
 SR> program.

The pkg-config system takes care of all the hard stuff for you.
Assuming you use gmake, something like this, where progname is the
program you want to compile should be fine:

CXXFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --cflags libxml++-2.6)
LDFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs libxml++-2.6)

OBJS= ... local .o files ...

progname: $(OBJS)
        $(CXX) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(OJBS)

Rasmus Kaj --+-- rasmus kaj se --+--
I'm on a seafood diet -- I see food and I eat it

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