Re: [libxml++] Libxml++ and Glib

On Wednesday 29 September 2004 00:59, Dedov Anton wrote:
> Hello,
> I am developing C++ XML-RPC library using libxml++
> ( I used libxml++ 1.0 till this
> time. Now I need support for non-ASCII characters in my library. If I
> understand right libxml++ implements it in 2.x versions by using
> glib::ustring.

I've been using libxml++ 1.0 some time ago to develop a SAX parser which 
treated non-ASCI characters (the files were in UTF-8 and contained characters 
such as é and è), and this worked fine with std::string. It's just when for 
example you ask the length of the string, you will get the length in bytes, 
which will not correspond to the number of letters in the string, because 
special characters need two bytes in UTF-8.

I'm sure someone else will correct me if I'm telling lies :-)

Frederik Himpe

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