[libxml++] bad style

Hey, this is my code:
void Wall::on_button_apply() {
    char *server_name = getenv("HOME");
    Glib::ustring filepath = server_name;
    filepath += "/.wallpapoz/wallpapoz.xml";
    xmlpp::Document document;
    document.set_internal_subset("wallpaper", "", "");
    xmlpp::Element* nodeRoot = document.create_root_node("wallpaper");
    Gtk::TreeModel::Children children = m_refTreeModel->children();
    for(Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator iter=children.begin();
iter!=children.end(); iter++) {
        Gtk::TreeModel::Row row= *iter;
        Glib::ustring temp2 = row[m_Columns.m_col_wallp];
        xmlpp::Element* nodeChild = nodeRoot->add_child("file");

And my xml file will be like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE wallpaper>

How can I make it like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE wallpaper>

Thank you.

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