Re: [libxml++] Simple newbie question about reading value

xmlpp::Element *el = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(*iter);
if (!el)
xmlpp::TextNode *t = el->get_child_text();
if (!t)
t->get_content(); // and do something with it.

Let me know if that doesn't work.


On Sun, 2004-05-09 at 13:49, Akbar wrote:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE wallpaper>
> <wallpaper>
>     <file> /home/knight/wallpaper/wallpaper11.jpg </file>
>     <file> /home/knight/wallpaper/wallpaper12.jpg </file>
>     <file> /home/knight/wallpaper/wallpaper13.jpg </file>
>     <file> /home/knight/wallpaper/wallpaper14.jpg </file>
> </wallpaper>
> That is my xml file. I want to read this xml file and pass the value of
> file to let's say array of strings. So assume we have :
> string array[5];
> In the end of the program I want to do this:
> for( int i =0; i<4; i++)
>     cout << array[i] << endl;
> And the output should be 
> /home/knight/wallpaper/wallpaper11.jpg
> /home/knight/wallpaper/wallpaper12.jpg
> /home/knight/wallpaper/wallpaper13.jpg
> /home/knight/wallpaper/wallpaper14.jpg
> But I don't know how to extract this value. I have read the example. But
> all I know are just writing xml file, extract the reference, extract the
> comment. I am getting difficulties because there is no tutorial
> outthere. How can I do this? I have tried. This is my effort:
> Glib::ustring filee = "wallpaper.xml";
>     xmlpp::DomParser parser;
>     parser.parse_file(filee);
>     xmlpp::Node* pNode = parser.get_document()->get_root_node();
>     xmlpp::Node::NodeList list = pNode->get_children();
>     for(xmlpp::Node::NodeList::iterator iter = list.begin(); iter !=
> list.end(); iter++) {
>          //this is where I stuck
>          //I don't know what to do here
>          //there is no (*iter)->get_content(); stuff
>     }
> Can you help me, guyz????
> Thank you.
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