Re: [libxml++] xpath with namespaces

On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 02:51 -0500, Daniel Veillard wrote:
> > > > >  If I use "//gjob:Jobs" i get "XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix",
> > > > >  and "//Jobs" just returns an empty set.
>   Perfectly normal, the expression uses the gjob prefix and it was not
> registered.

Isn't this what
<gjob:Helping xmlns:gjob="";>

The whole document can be seen here:

> > > > >  I assume I have to register the namespace first, but I couldn"t find
> > > > >  anything about this in the documentation.
>   at the C level, it may not be available in libxml++

Thanks Daniel. At the moment, we hide the xmlXPathContext completely
inside our Node::find(xpath) function, so we would have to create some
XPathContext object that can be passed around.

Is that a concept that exists in a standard, or just something that
allows libxml users to work around broken documents? Many of the
functions look quite internal. Are there any higher-level documents that
explain what they might be used for?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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