Re: [libxml++] ustring <-> std::string

Peter Kümmel wrote:
Matthew Walton wrote:

I don't know, but it begs the question: 'why?'

I don't want to install glibmm and glib (glimm
is not enough), because I only need ustring.
I also don't want another configure process.

This problem seems like a FAQ.

I agree. It seems the maintainers of libxml++ are all
using at least some of the GNOME libraries anyways, so
this kind of dependency isn't an issue for them.
Just look back through the archives, where this was
discussed numerous times before.

To answer your question: ascii is a proper subset of
utf8 (which is what libxml2 uses internally), and
when you can guarantee that the xml documents you
read in don't contain anything bug ascii you will
be fine with your typedef. If not you will still be
able to technically treat the strings inside std::string,
but the usual interpretation of byte == character won't
apply any more. But that's all up to your application
code to figure out then.


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