Re: [libxml++] (no subject)


You're right, the backend function used is not the good one.
The problem is also present in v2.6.

I'll fix it in the CVS.

In the next API, we could add a "add_content" function.



marcello orizi tiscali it wrote:

Hi All!
I am newbye in xml and probably what I say is incorrect.

In the method ContentNode::set_content there is a xmlNodeAddContent(cobj(),
but I think it should be xmlNodeSetContent(cobj(), (xmlChar*)content.c_str());

I view this line in libxml++-1.0.2, and also in libxml++0.26.0.
I modify this line with the modification suggested and it works fine for
me (before this change I saw a result of such an append operation, not a


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