Re: [libxml++] libxml++ future

On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 02:17:14PM -0400, Dan Dennedy wrote:

> > >  --it always goes back to that! So, I would need the SAX
> > > event exposed, and a very simple node subclass.
> > 
> > So I think a large part of this is: Adding 
> > class Entity : public Node
> > and telling libxml to give us Entities instead of substituting them. I
> > think there's some libxml function for that. (We should add the option
> > to libxml++ as well).

IIRC the libxml function is xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault()
But I'm not sure it affects the SAX interface.

> I did some work over the weekend. I extended SaxParser with internal
> subset, entity declaration, and entity reference callbacks. In my parser
> implementation, I also implemented the getEntity callback and told
> SaxParser to use it, but I was curious about the difference between
> getEntity and reference. I was able to get everything working except for
> keeping entity references in tact

That was the main problem I found when looking at entity support in
SaxParser. I didn't find a way to do it that wasn't klugy and didn't
expose the raw libxml types.
I gave up after a brief struggle.

> --at least as far as xml serialization
> is concerned. I need to anaylze the resultant node tree further to see
> if content is a list of text and entity reference nodes. Either,
> libxml2, encodes entity references from "&ref;" to "&ref;" or I can
> set resolveEntities=1 in the libxml2 parser context to make it expand.
> The SAX reference callback is never called upon.


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